opinion and publicly available information, often including home addresses, about people most of whom are or were government officers or employees

George Derville Rowlandson, The Highwaymen

George Derville Rowlandson, The Highwaymen



Pennsylvania's government officers in the Department of Corrections in 2008

Below is a list of some state government DoC officers from the 2008 salary list made by the state government.

  1. Kachurik Matthew Drug Alcohol Treatment Specialist 2 Camp Hill 44732
  2. Kadish Denise Licensed Psychologist Manager Indiana 71101
  3. Kaercher Matthew Adult Basic Education Teacher Correction Education Coal Township 61270
  4. Kalac Heathcliff Accountant 1 Mercer 40078
  5. Kalinoski Joseph Registered Nurse Karthaus 67975
  6. Kalinowsky Barbara Field Human Resource Officer 3 Graterford 72705
  7. Kalist Crystal Clerk Typist 2 Waynesburg 26484
  8. Kalsky Edward Psychological Services Specialist, Camp Hill 51130
  9. Kalup Maryanne Clerk Typist 2 Cambridge Springs 33153
  10. Kaminski Robert School Psychologist Indiana 63726
  11. Kammerer Lois Clerk 3 Dallas 30455
  12. Kane Mitch Records Specialist 2 Coal Township 32411
  13. Kanouff Karen Clerk Typist 2 Bellefonte 28675
  14. Kanyuck John Corrections Food Service Supervisor Dallas 59504
  15. Kaper Michael Bldg Trd Cnstn Occ Trds Tchr Cr Ed Bld Cst Mtnc Rp Pittsburgh 60770
  16. Karkut Joseph Intmt Educational Guidance Counselor Corr Educatio Hunlock Creek 0
  17. Karkut Joseph Educational Guidance Counselor Correction Ed Hunlock Creek 83224
  18. Karkut Lori Clerk Typist 2 Hunlock Creek 26484
  19. Karle Randall Corrections Food Service Supervisor Cresson 59504
  20. Karns Priscella Clerk Typist 2 Marienville 26954
  21. Karpinski Suzanne Drug Alcohol Treatment Manager Graterford 62338
  22. Karycki Patricia Medical Records Assistant Coal Township 39975
  23. Kashi Edward Corrections Food Service Supervisor Elizabethtown 59003
  24. Kasper Gerald Dentist Waymart 104587
  25. Kasprzyk Gerardette Registered Nurse Supervisor Hunlock Creek 81078
  26. Kauffman Tarita Human Resource Analyst 2 (General) Camp Hill 54592
  27. Kaufman Claire Corrections Counselor 2 Camp Hill 44732
  28. Kaufman Suzanne Licensed Practical Nurse Greensburg 41853
  29. Kautz Cindy Corrections Mail Inspector Camp Hill 31081
  30. Kay Linda Registered Nurse Bellefonte 49928
  31. Kaye Michael Vocational Guidance Counselor Dallas 59619
  32. Kaylor Loraine Dental Hygienist Waynesburg 39237
  33. Kaywood Tamalya Clerk Typist 2 Chester 25408
  34. Kazimi Yousef Chaplain Dallas 48920
  35. Kazmerski Dennis Dentist Frackville 96450
  36. Keating Sandra Information Technology Generalist 1 Waymart 48920
  37. Kechisen Cynthia Corrections School Principal Houtzdale 62181
  38. Kechisen Edward Psychological Services Specialist, Houtzdale 57076
  39. Keebaugh Kristina Victim Assistance Coordinator Camp Hill 44773
  40. Keegan Isabelle Forensic Registered Nurse Supervisor Waymart 86606
  41. Keegan James Forensic Registered Nurse Waymart 70979
  42. Keff John Laundry Manager Frackville 44732
  43. Keim Dennis Licensed Practical Nurse Graterford 48863
  44. Keiser Lisa Dental Assistant Frackville 24959
  45. Keith Celine Psychological Services Specialist, Houtzdale 48920
  46. Kelchner Donald Administrative Officer 5 Camp Hill 0
  47. Kellar Patrick Vocational Guidance Counselor Pittsburgh 60969
  48. Keller Janice Corrections Mail Inspector Coal Township 39237
  49. Keller Joel Corrections Classification Program Manager Huntingdon 77614
  50. Keller Nancy Purchasing Agent 2 Marienville 42836
  51. Keller Philip Corrections Institutional Safety Manager Pittsburgh 66494
  52. Keller Richard Corrections Counselor 2 Dallas 53391
  53. Kelley Christine Clerk Typist 2 Waymart 26484
  54. Kelley James Records Specialist 2 Bellefonte 34426
  55. Kelley Patricia Clerical Supervisor 2 Coal Township 39237
  56. Kelley Robert Corrections Food Service Supervisor Coal Township 57459
  57. Kelley Valerie Clerk Typist 2 Huntingdon 25408
  58. Kelljcheain Robert Corrections Counselor 2 Graterford 51012
  59. Kellner Kevin Corrections Counselor 2 Frackville 47758
  60. Kellogg Lynda Clerk Typist 2 Albion 33153
  61. Kelly Brook Corrections Counselor 2 Houtzdale 47758
  62. Kelly Diane Executive Secretary 1 Camp Hill 47824
  63. Kelly Gail Medical Records Director Camp Hill 66494
  64. Kelly Gerard Corrections Counselor 2 Graterford 45692
  65. Kelly Theresa Corrections Mail Inspector Frackville 33741
  66. Kelly-Pimentel G Adult Basic Education Teacher Correction Education Waynesburg 84687
  67. Kemp Thomas Distributed Systems Specialist 1 Camp Hill 42836
  68. Kenderski Matthew Corrections Food Service Supervisor Labelle 40080
  69. Kenna Jack Corrections Employment Vocational Coordinator Cambridge Springs 57076
  70. Kennedy Francis Corrections Food Service Manager 1 Camp Hill 66327
  71. Kennedy Joni Accounting Assistant Waynesburg 36721
  72. Kennedy Karen Licensed Practical Nurse Somerset 42750
  73. Kenny Shawn Attorney 4 Non Supervisory Office of General Counsel Camp Hill 103453
  74. Kensicki Nancy Clerk Typist 2 Graterford 25408
  75. Kephart Bethany Corrections Counselor 2 Houtzdale 43752
  76. Kephart Casey Corrections Counselor 2 Huntingdon 52181
  77. Kephart Michael Warehouse Superintendent Houtzdale 51012
  78. Kephart Shawn Corrections Classification Program Manager Frackville 56333
  79. Kepner William Education Administration Manager Camp Hill 83013
  80. Kerns-Barr L Hearing Examiner Muncy 55844
  81. Kerr Kenneth Elec Eltrnc Skills Occ Tchr Electricity Mercer 69349
  82. Kerr-Workman Judith Accountant 1 Labelle 41937
  83. Kerstetter Barry Forest Nursery Assistant Manager Bellefonte 52181
  84. Kertes Harold Corrections Criminal Investigator Supervisor Camp Hill 57076
  85. Kesseler Matthew Corrections Librarian Cresson 45810
  86. Kessler Christine Human Resource Assistant 1 Waynesburg 28675
  87. Kessler Robert Correctional Industries Manager 1 Bellefonte 68616
  88. Ketchem Tina Field Human Resource Officer 2 Labelle 46807
  89. Ketner Deena Psychological Services Specialist, Cresson 62338
  90. Keuling Thomas Elec Eltrnc Skills Occ Tchr Comp Tchlgy Dallas 71451
  91. Keyton Robert Administrative Officer 3 Camp Hill 62338
  92. Khattari Jennifer Licensed Practical Nurse Camp Hill 46715
  93. Khula John Mechanical Trds Occ Tchr Corr Ed Dftng Cmp Ad Dsgn Somerset 62611
  94. Kibildis Anna Registered Nurse Hunlock Creek 58231
  95. Kibler Sandra Registered Prn Nurse Bellefonte 0
  96. Kichilinsky Karen Clerk Typist 2 Huntingdon 33037
  97. Kichilinsky Lynn Clerical Supervisor 2 Dallas 51012
  98. Kidd Cathy Clerk Typist 2 Huntingdon 26954
  99. Kielbowick Mary Registered Nurse Houtzdale 54539
  100. Kifer Kathy Accounting Assistant Huntingdon 35169
  101. Kiger Michael Intmt Adult Basic Education Teacher Corr Education Graterford 0
  102. Kiger Michael Adult Basic Education Teacher Correction Education Graterford 54866
  103. Kiger Sharon Accounting Assistant Waynesburg 35169
  104. Kilbert Michael Registered Nurse Mercer 54539
  105. Killian Kimberly Administrative Officer 1 Pittsburgh 41937
  106. Kilmer Jodi Clerk Typist 2 Coal Township 26954
  107. Kime Gregory Registered Nurse Waynesburg 59567
  108. Kimmel Bonnie Clerk Typist 2 Somerset 30455
  109. Kimmel Carol Nurse Aide Somerset 31233
  110. Kimmell Janet Corrections Counselor 2 Mercer 62279
  111. Kinder Mark Corrections Utilities Supervisor Dallas 67975
  112. King Althea Psychological Services Specialist, Graterford 51130
  113. King Amy Corrections Counselor 2 Karthaus 58231
  114. King Carolyn Licensed Practical Nurse Mercer 58231
  115. King Carolyn Library Assistant 2 Camp Hill 43752
  116. King Cory Vocational Guidance Counselor Somerset 55844
  117. King Rosa Corrections Counselor 2 Harrisburg 48863
  118. King Susan Psychological Services Specialist, Somerset 54592
  119. Kingan Debra Secretarial Supervisor 2 Waynesburg 39237
  120. Kinley Shirley Corrections Mail Inspector Muncy 36721
  121. Kinney Raymond Int Trds Tch Corr Ed Plumbing Heating Dallas 0
  122. Kino Debora Licensed Practical Nurse Labelle 46715
  123. Kinslow Faith Corrections Counselor 2 Camp Hill 45692
  124. Kint Diana Medical Records Assistant Camp Hill 30455
  125. Kirby Jo Ann Licensed Practical Nurse Pittsburgh 51012
  126. Kirchner Karen Registered Nurse Somerset 69456
  127. Kirk Rhonda Purchasing Agent 1 Cresson 47824
  128. Kirkwood Kristopher Corrections Facility Maintenance Manager 1 Graterford 69665
  129. Kirsch Patricia Clerk Typist 2 Cresson 35239
  130. Kirsch William Information Technology Generalist 1 Camp Hill 44773
  131. Kishbaugh Kay Corrections Evaluation Supervisor Camp Hill 59619
  132. Kishbaugh Kelli Press Aide Camp Hill 38338
  133. Kishbaugh Sandra Records Specialist 2 Hunlock Creek 35912
  134. Kisling William Corrections General Industries Factory Supv Bellefonte 65680
  135. Kistler Margie Clerk Typist 2 Greensburg 28675
  136. Kitchura Annemarie Quality Assurance Risk Management Director Waymart 71101
  137. Kitko Claudia Clerk Typist 2 Houtzdale 26954
  138. Kittka John Database Administrator 2 Camp Hill 79433
  139. Kittle Laura Drug Alcohol Treatment Specialist Supervisor Muncy 69614
  140. Kizina Gary Bldg Trd Cnstn Occ Trds Tchr Cr Ed Bld Cst Mtnc Rp Houtzdale 57336
  141. Klauk Beth Records Specialist 2 Albion 44773
  142. Klekner Aldona Adult Basic Education Teacher Correction Education Greensburg 46009
  143. Klem Nichole Psychological Services Specialist, Dallas 51130
  144. Klemm Ulrich Corrections Religion And Family Services Adm Camp Hill 71101
  145. Kline Fay Human Resource Analyst 3 (General) Camp Hill 66543
  146. Kline Gobel Corrections Activities Specialist Coal Township 51159
  147. Kline Lynda Registered Nurse Somerset 69456
  148. Kling Craig Elec Eltrnc Skills Occ Tchr Electricity Bellefonte 69349
  149. Klinger Alyssa Secondary School Intern Camp Hill 0
  150. Klinger Pamela Human Resource Analyst 1 (General) Camp Hill 58231
  151. Klinger Robin Clerk Typist 2 Frackville 24959
  152. Klink David Facility Chaplaincy Program Director Somerset 55844
  153. Klock Edward Corrections Counselor 2 Coal Township 66494
  154. Klocko John Corrections Food Service Manager 2 Pittsburgh 66954
  155. Klokis Virginia Licensed Practical Nurse Frackville 51012
  156. Klos Donald Registered Nurse Albion 69456
  157. Kmiec Carl Field Human Resource Officer 3 Dallas 54592
  158. Knapp Michael Corrections Counselor 2 Bellefonte 48863
  159. Knapp Stephen Registered Nurse Somerset 59567
  160. Knarr Russell Corrections Counselor 2 Houtzdale 44732
  161. Knaub Michael Accountant 2 Camp Hill 41937
  162. Knauer David Clerk 2 Graterford 28675
  163. Knechtel Paul Auto Mntnc Repair Occ Tchr Corr Ed Auto Mec Insp Greensburg 57336
  164. Kneedler Sandra Records Specialist 2 Huntingdon 34426
  165. Kneisley Eric Corrections Food Service Supervisor Camp Hill 56437
  166. Knight Deirdra Corrections Activities Specialist Chester 46840
  167. Knopsnyder Mark Psychological Services Specialist, Somerset 54592
  168. Knouse Luther Bldg Trd Cnstn Occ Trds Tchr Air Condtng Rfgtn Bellefonte 44656
  169. Knovich Richard Corrections Activities Specialist Coal Township 47883
  170. Knowlden Monica Records Specialist 1 Camp Hill 28127
  171. Knowles Gary Corrections Activities Specialist Camp Hill 61006
  172. Knowles Joyce Registered Nurse Houtzdale 54539
  173. Knox Luke Records Specialist 1 Camp Hill 30455
  174. Kobuchi John Adult Basic Education Teacher Correction Education Labelle 50242
  175. Kobuchi John Intmt Adult Basic Education Teacher Corr Education Labelle 0
  176. Koch Joseph Dentist Mercer 78827
  177. Kodack Michelle Records Supervisor Coal Township 40078
  178. Koehle Bonnie Registered Nurse Bellefonte 69456
  179. Koehler Kurt Corrections Institutional Safety Manager Chester 52284
  180. Koharchik Andrew Nurse Aide Somerset 31922
  181. Koharchik George Facility Chaplaincy Program Director Huntingdon 52284
  182. Kois Terry Corrections Mail Inspector Waynesburg 37513
  183. Kolb Susan Clerk Typist 2 Camp Hill 24959
  184. Kolbicka Todd Corrections Activities Specialist Dallas 51159
  185. Koleno Richard Institutional Business Manager 2 Muncy 69614
  186. Kolessar Renee Clerk Typist 2 Waynesburg 24959
  187. Kolin Lori Intmt Adult Basic Education Teacher Corr Education Cambridge Springs 0
  188. Koller Rhonda Fiscal Technician Supervisory Greensburg 32411
  189. Komara Patrick Bldg Trd Cnstn Occ Trds Tchr Crtn Clstr Bldg Trds Coal Township 71451
  190. Komisarski Donna Accounting Assistant Albion 29281
  191. Komorowski Jan Corrections Activities Specialist Pittsburgh 57147
  192. Kondas Michael Corrections Criminal Investigator Pittsburgh 48920
  193. Kondrat Kathleen Medical Records Director Waymart 52284
  194. Konecheck David Metal Working Occup Tchr Corr Ed Welding Labelle 49642
  195. Konigus Joseph Corrections Activities Specialist Dallas 47883
  196. Konkus Velma Clerk Typist 2 Waynesburg 28127
  197. Koontz Michele Records Specialist 2 Cresson 32411
  198. Kopshina Nancy Library Assistant 2 Muncy 40893
  199. Koptchak Mary Ann Clerk Typist 2 Houtzdale 25956
  200. Koratich Tammy Human Resource Analyst 1 (General) Waynesburg 36714
  201. Korzeniewski Kay Joyce Clerk Typist 2 Camp Hill 29927
  202. Kos Debra Registered Nurse Huntingdon 63593
  203. Kosch Judith Clerk Typist 3 Dallas 39975
  204. Koser Terry Dental Assistant Muncy 35239
  205. Kosman Carol Registered Nurse Hunlock Creek 70979
  206. Koss Thomas Corrections Activities Specialist Labelle 44837
  207. Kostelnik Celeste Dentist Waynesburg 80431
  208. Kostik John Vocational Guidance Counselor Waymart 57076
  209. Kostik John Intmt Educational Guidance Counselor Corr Educatio Waymart 0
  210. Kot Anthony Community Corrections Center Director Elkins Park 58231
  211. Kotzur Holly Dental Hygienist Bellefonte 41937
  212. Kough Robert Corrections School Principal Huntingdon 83639
  213. Kovack Michael Warehouse Superintendent Coal Township 55769
  214. Kovack Thomas Applications Developer 2 Camp Hill 51130
  215. Kovacs Robert Corrections Facility Maintenance Manager 1 Albion 57188
  216. Kovaleski Karen Clerk Typist 2 Waymart 26954
  217. Kovschak Christina Secondary School Intern Albion 0
  218. Kowalcyk Launa Corrections Evaluation Supervisor Elizabethtown 58387
  219. Kowalcyk Robert Corrections Activities Specialist Huntingdon 47883
  220. Kowalewski Annette Corrections Health Care Administrator Somerset 85673
  221. Kowalewski Jan Registered Nurse Supervisor Somerset 86606
  222. Kowalsky Thomas Field Human Resource Officer 3 Frackville 76010
  223. Koytek David Registered Nurse Cresson 51012
  224. Kozak Catharine Registered Nurse Graterford 65033
  225. Kozak Karl Dentist Cresson 104587
  226. Kozak Kathe Dentist Huntingdon 108949
  227. Kozorosky David Corrections Food Service Manager 2 Somerset 76926
  228. Krak Robert Dentist Waynesburg 104587
  229. Kramer Donna Corrections Employment Vocational Assistant Graterford 32411
  230. Kramer Geraldine Clerk Typist 2 Frackville 35239
  231. Kramer Ruth Clerk Typist 2 Bellefonte 25408
  232. Krasucki Sharon Corrections Employment Vocational Coordinator Hunlock Creek 55844
  233. Krell Judith Forensic Registered Nurse Waymart 55769
  234. Krepelka Sandra Licensed Practical Nurse Somerset 42750
  235. Kresho Mark Director Training Services Elizabethtown 101203
  236. Kretzing Jessica Clerk 2 Camp Hill 25956
  237. Kreutzberger James Corrections Facility Maintenance Manager 2 Somerset 63726
  238. Kriner Tammy Adult Basic Education Teacher Correction Education Dallas 67557
  239. Kronheim Paul Budget Analyst 2 Camp Hill 60969
  240. Kroznuskie Michael Corrections Facility Maintenance Manager 1 Frackville 42458
  241. Krueger David Library Assistant 2 Waynesburg 28675
  242. Krug Linda Drug Alcohol Treatment Specialist 2 Marienville 44732
  243. Kruger Leslie Adult Basic Education Teacher Correction Education Marienville 59199
  244. Kuba Runglux Clerk Typist 2 Camp Hill 24959
  245. Kubaney Thomas Corrections Activities Specialist Albion 52327
  246. Kudyba Holly Records Specialist 1 Labelle 28675
  247. Kuhn David Hearing Examiner Bellefonte 59619
  248. Kuhn Susan Human Resource Assistant 2 Camp Hill 47824
  249. Kuhne Bonnie Special Education Teacher Correction Education Somerset 58632
  250. Kuhne Bonnie Intmt Adult Basic Education Teacher Corr Education Somerset 0
  251. Kuhns Lori Special Education Teacher Correction Education Houtzdale 66493
  252. Kuhstos Edward Field Human Resource Officer 3 Bellefonte 68049
  253. Kukucka Anthony Corrections Counselor 2 Cresson 66494
  254. Kulik Arthur Corrections Facility Maintenance Manager 1 Houtzdale 66327
  255. Kuniak Stephen Dentist Greensburg 82054
  256. Kunkel Allen Drug Alcohol Treatment Specialist Supervisor Camp Hill 51130
  257. Kunkel Jonathan Attorney 3 Non Supervisory Office of General Counsel Camp Hill 79198
  258. Kunsak Nancy Psychological Services Specialist, Pittsburgh 52284
  259. Kunselman Lydia Licensed Practical Nurse Somerset 39162
  260. Kuras Mary Alice Registered Nurse Hunlock Creek 67975
  261. Kurtz Tammy Clerk Typist 2 Bellefonte 29927
  262. Kurutz Paula Clerk Typist 2 Labelle 26484
  263. Kushner Mary Administrative Officer 1 Labelle 41937
  264. Kusiak Valarie Corrections Employment Vocational Coordinator Mercer 42836
  265. Kutcher Kenneth Registered Nurse Labelle 60881
  266. Kuzminski Susan Budget Analyst 2 Hunlock Creek 54592
  267. Kuzo Theresa Budget Analyst 2 Frackville 47824
  268. Kwisnek Lori Corrections Health Care Administrator Greensburg 72118
  269. Kyle Robert Information Technology Generalist 1 Cresson 57000
  270. Kyler Tawsha Clerk Typist 2 Bellefonte 29281
  271. Lackey Candice Psychological Services Specialist, Labelle 51130
  272. Ladika William Therapeutic Recreational Services Worker Somerset 41853
  273. Ladonne Robert Psychological Services Specialist, Graterford 57076
  274. Lafata Nicholas Accountant 2 Dallas 60969
  275. Lafferty Lana Clerk Typist 2 Somerset 36714
  276. Lagrandeur Francis Adult Basic Education Teacher Correction Education Albion 63414
  277. Lahew Jodi Dental Assistant Waynesburg 28127
  278. Lahout Joseph Corrections Counselor 2 Camp Hill 52181
  279. Laird Karen Victim Assistance Coordinator Camp Hill 23879
  280. Lamar Lisa Records Specialist 2 Cresson 35169
  281. Lancaster Roy Human Resource Analyst 2 (Employee Training) Muncy 65033
  282. Landers Sharon Forensic Registered Nurse Waymart 58231
  283. Lane Jennifer Licensed Practical Nurse Pittsburgh 47758
  284. Lane Nancy Corrections Counselor 2 Dallas 57000
  285. Lanning Stasia Clerical Supervisor 1 Dallas 33741
  286. Lannom Robert Corrections Facility Maintenance Manager 1 Graterford 44586
  287. Lapinski Kristi Vocational Guidance Counselor Chester 50054
  288. Largent Frank Corrections Facility Maintenance Manager 1 Waynesburg 43522
  289. LaRoche Tammy Licensed Practical Nurse Marienville 40893
  290. Larrimer Jesse Applications Developer 3 Camp Hill 81194
  291. Larson Mary Intmt Educational Guidance Counselor Corr Educatio Albion 0
  292. Larson Mary Educational Guidance Counselor Correction Ed Albion 79026
  293. Larty Janice Clerk Typist 3 Camp Hill 30455
  294. LaRue Stephen Information Technology Manager 1 Camp Hill 105820
  295. Lasher Matthew Corrections Counselor 2 Erie 52181
  296. Lasko Nancy Purchasing Agent 2 Coal Township 52181
  297. Lasota John Institutional Business Manager 3 Waymart 72705
  298. Lasure Adam Licensed Practical Nurse Somerset 39975
  299. Lategan Dean Program Analyst 2 Camp Hill 48920
  300. Latkanich Stacey Registered Nurse Greensburg 60881
  301. Latterner Kelly Corrections Counselor 2 Cresson 54539
  302. Laufer Stephen Psychological Services Specialist, Mercer 48920
  303. Lauffer Randell Corrections Counselor 2 Allentown 66494
  304. Laukemann Kimberly Human Resource Analyst 1 (General) Camp Hill 40078
  305. Lavelle Thomas Drug Alcohol Treatment Specialist 2 Hunlock Creek 58231
  306. Lavin Patrick Vocational Guidance Counselor Graterford 71101
  307. Law Mary Lou Dental Assistant Camp Hill 13843
  308. Law Teresa Corrections Health Care Administrator Camp Hill 79609
  309. Laws-Smith Shirley Corrections Health Care Administrator Chester 68616
  310. Lawson Rebecca Medical Records Assistant Dallas 30455
  311. Lazarchick Alice Licensed Practical Nurse Frackville 38306
  312. Lazusky Beth Clerk Typist 2 Frackville 26954
  313. Leach Edith Licensed Practical Nurse Camp Hill 46715
  314. Leader Randy Adult Basic Education Teacher Correction Education Frackville 83224
  315. Leamer Michael Adult Basic Education Teacher Correction Education Huntingdon 44027
  316. Learn Mark Bldg Trd Cnstn Occ Trds Tchr Carpentry Labelle 53254
  317. Learn Mark Intmt Adult Basic Education Teacher Corr Education Labelle 0
  318. Learn Richard Corrections Classification Program Manager Cambridge Springs 72118
  319. Leary Elizabeth Registered Nurse Graterford 67975
  320. Lechene Marjorie Registered Nurse Supervisor Somerset 79283
  321. Ledwich Joann Registered Nurse Waynesburg 70979
  322. Ledwich Ronald Registered Nurse Waynesburg 70979
  323. Lee Daniel Drug Alcohol Treatment Specialist 2 Marienville 47758
  324. Lee Joyce Licensed Practical Nurse Somerset 41853
  325. Lee Reese Drug Alcohol Treatment Specialist 2 Karthaus 59567
  326. Lee Ricki Corrections Counselor 2 Somerset 43752
  327. Lees Geoffrey Drug Alcohol Treatment Specialist 2 Frackville 45692
  328. Leff Catherine Registered Nurse Camp Hill 66494
  329. Leffler Victoria Corrections Counselor 2 Hunlock Creek 46715
  330. Lehman Kathy Corrections Storekeeper Supervisor Muncy 52953
  331. Lehman Laura Registered Nurse Cresson 67975
  332. Lehman Timothy Corrections Counselor 2 Camp Hill 59567
  333. Leichliter Cathy Licensed Practical Nurse Somerset 41853
  334. Lekka Christopher Community Corrections Center Director Elkins Park 52181
  335. Lenhart Timothy Corrections Activities Specialist Somerset 47883
  336. Lenker Rosemary Records Specialist 2 Camp Hill 37477
  337. Lent Kirk Corrections Activities Manager 1 Somerset 51012
  338. Leo Barbara Clerk Typist 2 Muncy 25408
  339. Leonard Dawn Licensed Practical Nurse Cresson 39162
  340. Leonard Karen Clerk Stenographer 2 Coal Township 33841
  341. Leonardi Robert Corrections Food Service Supervisor Dallas 57459
  342. Leonberger Lois Registered Nurse Somerset 75841
  343. Leone John Health Physical Education Teacher Correction Ed Indiana 55758
  344. Lepley Richard Basic Education Associate 2 Camp Hill 72705
  345. Lescavage William Elec Eltrnc Skills Occ Tchr Electronics Frackville 73772
  346. Leskowsky Raymond Corrections Activities Specialist Huntingdon 58440
  347. Leskowsky Thomas Registered Nurse Supervisor Dallas 81078
  348. Lester Amanda Clerk Typist 2 Mercer 29281
  349. Lester Joan Registered Nurse Mercer 69456
  350. Letcavage Judy Intmt Adult Basic Education Teacher Corr Education Coal Township 0
  351. Letcavage Judy Adult Basic Education Teacher Correction Education Coal Township 50242
  352. Letizi Linda Licensed Practical Nurse Hunlock Creek 41853
  353. Lettich Travis Information Technology Generalist 1 Frackville 41937
  354. Levengood Marion Licensed Practical Nurse Graterford 58231
  355. Levengood Tara Clerk Typist 2 Graterford 24959
  356. Levicky Jeffrey Dentist Labelle 82054
  357. Lewis Frank Facility Chaplaincy Program Director Labelle 47824
  358. Lewis Gail Clerk Typist 2 Huntingdon 25408
  359. Lewis Gordon Adult Basic Education Teacher Correction Education Frackville 71676
  360. Lewis Julianna Registered Nurse Albion 63593
  361. Lewis Julie Clerk Typist 2 Huntingdon 33153
  362. Lewis Kenneth Information Technology Generalist 1 Camp Hill 53438
  363. Lewis Robin Attorney 5 Office of General Counsel Camp Hill 108891
  364. Lidgett Donna Clerk Typist 2 Bellefonte 25408
  365. Lidgett Kari Clerk Typist 3 Bellefonte 29281
  366. Liebner Melissa Clerk 2 Camp Hill 28127
  367. Liggitt Larry Facility Chaplaincy Program Director Frackville 47824
  368. Lightner Brian Corrections Employment Vocational Coordinator Huntingdon 50054
  369. Lilly Mary Laundry Manager Cambridge Springs 45810
  370. Limegrover George Information Technology Generalist 1 Greensburg 46807
  371. Linch Charmaine Purchasing Agent 1 Camp Hill 34426
  372. Lindberg James Corrections Librarian Coal Township 52284
  373. Lindenmuth Janet Clerk Typist 2 Marienville 25956
  374. Lindenmuth John Corrections Food Service Supervisor Frackville 53662
  375. Linderman H Corrections Mail Inspector Supervisor Labelle 45810
  376. Lindsey Daniel Corrections Utility Plant Supervisor Albion 56437
  377. Lindsey Wendy Psychological Services Specialist, Cambridge Springs 55844
  378. Line David Applications Developer 3 Camp Hill 65115
  379. Linendoll Martin Intmt Adult Basic Education Teacher Corr Education Albion 0
  380. Linendoll Martin Adult Basic Education Teacher Correction Education Albion 48080
  381. Lingenfelter E. Corrections Counselor 2 Somerset 44732
  382. Lingenfelter Jason Corrections Counselor 2 Karthaus 43752
  383. Link David Corrections Counselor 2 Labelle 45692
  384. Linn Christopher Field Human Resource Officer 3 Huntingdon 63726
  385. Linn Cynthia Business Occupations Teacher Corr Ed Business Ed Bellefonte 47505
  386. Linn Cynthia Int Bus Tch Corr Ed Business Education Bellefonte 0
  387. Lint Robert Registered Nurse Somerset 55769
  388. Lintz Matthew Licensed Practical Nurse Somerset 39162
  389. Lion Robert Registered Nurse Karthaus 52181
  390. Lipchey Deborah Drug Alcohol Treatment Specialist 2 Marienville 45692
  391. Lippay Virginia Clerk Typist 2 Coal Township 26954
  392. Liptak Mary Registered Nurse Pittsburgh 63593
  393. Liptak Valerie Intmt Adult Basic Education Teacher Corr Education Karthaus 0
  394. Liput Lea Registered Nurse Supervisor Dallas 69456
  395. Little Erma Clerk Typist 2 Huntingdon 35239
  396. Littleton Debra Project Manager 2 Camp Hill 92675
  397. Livengood Jennifer Clerk Typist 2 Somerset 24959
  398. Livingston David Corrections Food Service Supervisor Indiana 37117
  399. Livingston Thomas Corrections Food Service Supervisor Indiana 45400
  400. Lobdell Yhan Corrections Food Service Supervisor Cambridge Springs 45400
  401. Locke Lori Educational Guidance Counselor Correction Ed Waynesburg 49789
  402. Loff Donna Clerk Typist 2 Waymart 25956
  403. Logan Clinton Dentist Albion 102455
  404. LoGreco Robert Corrections Counselor 2 Pittsburgh 65033
  405. Lohr Marie Clerk 2 Somerset 34572
  406. Lombardo Lonna Clerk Typist 2 Houtzdale 33153
  407. Long Darwin Licensed Practical Nurse Camp Hill 48863
  408. Long Denise Licensed Practical Nurse Coal Township 39162
  409. Long Helen Intmt Adult Basic Education Teacher Corr Education Waynesburg 0
  410. Long Helen Adult Basic Education Teacher Correction Education Waynesburg 58267
  411. Long Kelly Secondary School Intern Graterford 15159
  412. Long Mark Corrections Activities Specialist Albion 51159
  413. Long Richard Field Human Resource Officer 3 Houtzdale 69614
  414. Longazel Jerome Vocational Guidance Counselor Somerset 60969
  415. Longfoot Deborah Clerk Stenographer 3 Hunlock Creek 39162
  416. Longstreth Stephan Corrections Counselor 2 Labelle 66494
  417. Lopez Angelo Drug Alcohol Treatment Specialist 2 Marienville 46715
  418. Lopez Lisa Human Resource Analyst 2 (Employee Training) Marienville 43795
  419. Lopuhovsky Andrew Psychological Services Specialist, Dallas 52284
  420. Lorenz Rachel Clerk Typist 2 Marienville 24959
  421. Lorson Melanie Clerk Typist 2 Muncy 30455
  422. Lorson Susan Medical Records Assistant Muncy 31081
  423. Lotz James Corrections Activities Specialist Frackville 54643
  424. Loughry Jack Institutional Business Manager 3 Somerset 79433
  425. Love Teresa Licensed Practical Nurse Houtzdale 41853
  426. Loveday Deborah Records Specialist 1 Waynesburg 31081
  427. Lovett Arvil Corrections Counselor 2 Huntingdon 66494
  428. Lubert Renee Corrections Librarian Huntingdon 51130
  429. Lubinski Brian Corrections Counselor Supervisor Camp Hill 51130
  430. Lucas Diane Clerk Typist 2 Indiana 26484
  431. Lucas Jennifer Clerk Typist 2 Labelle 25408
  432. Lucas Joseph Corrections Activities Specialist Greensburg 58440
  433. Lucas Lesley Clerk Typist 2 Bellefonte 25956
  434. Lucas Nan Records Supervisor Mercer 39162
  435. Lucas Ralph Registered Nurse Albion 69456
  436. Lucas Robert Corrections Facility Maintenance Manager 3 Albion 68616
  437. Lucas Robin Corrections Superintendent Assistant 2 Dallas 50054
  438. Lucas Sheila Records Specialist 2 Bellefonte 35169
  439. Lucas Valerie Fiscal Technician Supervisory Pittsburgh 47824
  440. Lucci Brenda Medical Records Technician Labelle 34426
  441. Luciano Ronald Corrections Activities Specialist Somerset 44837
  442. Lucore Donald Licensed Practical Nurse Albion 46715
  443. Ludington Suk Licensed Practical Nurse Camp Hill 51012
  444. Lukashewski Michelle Adult Basic Education Teacher Correction Education Dallas 46009
  445. Lukashewski Michelle Intmt Adult Basic Education Teacher Corr Education Dallas 0
  446. Lukehart Rodger Registered Nurse Houtzdale 62279
  447. Lukens Laura Clerk Typist 2 Houtzdale 28675
  448. Luksh Catherine Intmt Adult Basic Education Teacher Corr Education Hunlock Creek 0
  449. Lupton Sally Clerk Typist 2 Karthaus 24959
  450. Luquis Jaime Community Corrections Center Director Allentown 57000
  451. Luquis Sharon Hearing Examiner Frackville 55844
  452. Luscavage Anthony Corrections Evaluation Supervisor Camp Hill 68049
  453. Lutes Mari Drug Alcohol Treatment Specialist 2 Bellefonte 43752
  454. Lutgen Kristina Licensed Practical Nurse Mercer 41853
  455. Lutton Jeffrey Serv Occup Teacher-Corr Ed,Warehouse Ops/Materiel Houtzdale 55648
  456. Lux Kimberly Registered Nurse Dallas 58231
  457. Lyash Kevin Adult Basic Education Teacher Correction Education Coal Township 72611
  458. Lyles Clarice Records Specialist 2 Camp Hill 33037
  459. Lynch Jill Clerk Typist 2 Muncy 30455
  460. Lynch Richard Vocational Guidance Counselor Cresson 62338
  461. Lynch Robert Registered Nurse Huntingdon 59567
  462. Lyons Cynthia Purchasing Agent 2 Muncy 43795
  463. Lyons Jennifer Corrections Mail Inspector Muncy 28675
  464. Lyons Kristin Adult Basic Education Teacher Correction Education Bellefonte 46009
  465. Lyons Lori Corrections Counselor 2 Dallas 47758
  466. Lytle Roane Corrections Librarian Houtzdale 66494


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